Friday, June 01, 2012

Walk of Faith

June 1, 2012

trail along Dry Creek
from Walerga heading east

 walking with the dogs

Right before I started my walk today, I came to the realization that I will be leaving my midtown gallery space in thirty days. The last-ditch effort to make things work differently had failed and while I am sad to end a chapter in my life, it is by no means the end of the story. I know that God is the ultimate author of my story, and I'm trusting that what could seem like a setback is only the start of something new - so I went on a walk of faith.

It's not like I haven't been on this path before, faith is a familiar way for me and I am looking forward to each new step as a chance for adventure and discovery. When I first stepped out of the car I found a butterfly at my feet - a reminder of resurrection and the promise of new life - I was reminded again and again by the many butterflies that flew across my path along the walk and several fuzzy caterpillars heading for their next meal and ultimate metamorphosis.

The path changes a little from season to season but the main forms of it remain, so it keeps a familiarity to it - Today is a warm day, warmer than it's been and we're not quite acclimated yet, but the shade on the dirt path keeps is bearable.

We were offered a very close look at a large alligator lizard - over a foot long overall - staying still for a photo. The tired dogs hardly noticed, so I got them past and gently nudged the lizard off the trail to relative safety.

A stop at the creek side gave the dogs a chance to cool off in the water; Moey unexpectedly laid down in the shallow edge, then was refreshed enough to move on.

Nearly back to the car, I looked up and saw a new addition that I had missed on the way out - a special provision for unknown birds - like Matthew's reference to sparrows, I am reminded there will be provisions made for me, too...

(The day's catch.)