Thursday, March 11, 2004

at school

Mar 11, 2004
2 p.m.
Sunny, warm, near 80
Kohler Elementary School

Warm sun on my back, pale green leaves begin to bud out on the tree in front of the school, little green aphids crawl across the page as I sit on the green hillside to write. I can hear the sounds of children calling out on the playground, tetherball chains against their poles, then the school bell calls an end to recess. Birds call out - maybe a magpie - then little twittering ones, then a mocking bird with its strong, changing song.

The hillside I sit on, next to the driveway, is covered in green. Fine small blades of grass puch up between various other weedy plants.

It all seems to blend together to form one big green growing mass. Here and there I spy tiny flower buds, holding the promise of what is to come. This weather is unusually warm, about 10 degrees above normal for this time of year, we'll see if it holds or id a cold front will snap us back into winter one more time...