Monday, November 29, 2004

late november

Nov 29, 04
11:15 a.m.
Sunny, clear, cold - out in backyard

Just wanted to see if I could get a good exposure in full sunlight and the old 180 seems to oblige just fine, guess I'm just being paranoid.

Late November finds that the garden is weedy and the pool is dirty...

Saturday, November 27, 2004


nov 27, 04
nearly 4 p.m.
It's been too long - I've let other things keep me away while the camera calls. Busy with teaching, show and just life.
very windy outside
blew away the clouds that rained all night
The dark wet garden is in desperate need of weeding.

I'm longing to get away, escape into the landscape for just an hour even. Today a couple quick shots will have to do.

Darker than it seems it should be & I have a hard time trusting my camera - maybe it's me - this image certainly conveys a feeling, though.

Sunlit tops of trees and jay in the top of plum tree - again darker than it should be -