Thursday, May 08, 2003


May 8, 2003
5 p.m. Antelope, Ca (at home)

The thunderstorms that were forecast have finally arrived this afternoon. I just spent a session after school with kids at Kohler and had prepared and planned for what we could do with the rain, what great rain photos we could take - but the storms held off and we talked about the weather in general and how unusual all this wetness this late in spring is for us here. We did take photos of the threatening clouds and tried to capture how the wind was moving the leaves on the trees and the grass on the ground. We even saw flashes of lightening in the dark clouds in the distance. Not until after the children were well on their way hone and I was packing the last box in the car did it begin to rain big fat serious drops. Sure enough, on my short drive home, the clouds burst in earnest and now thunder echoes nearby, much sooner after the flash of lightening than before.

So I take photos of rain splashing in the driveway and the raindrops on the window as I look out back - then long for the monotonous blue skies and 70 degree breakfasts on the patio...