Thursday, November 13, 2003

dry creek

Nov 13, 2003
Dry Creek at Walerga Road
2 p.m.
cool - mid 60's, a few clouds hide the sun, then it comes back out again

The weather has changed a lot these past two weeks - rains have come and gone and the creek is higher now. The plants and lower banks look as if they have been flooded lately, no doubt the waters rise during a storm.

A couple small brown sparrow types twit and hop among a pile of cut branches across the creek. Traffic passes by constantly - I'll see if I can follow the creek away from the road...

I've gone a little farther, now the sound of running water competes with the traffic. A crow passes overhead, calling out. A couple smaller birds chit chit chit in the branches of trees while the beep beep beep of heavy construction calls out.

Poking up from the dry horizontal straws are a carpet of fat new green short blades - rain here means green.

I stop to make a photograph and I hear rustling noises in the tall dead growth nest to the path I'm on. I'd love to look further but my time is up...