Monday, August 08, 2005

point reyes

Aug 8, 2005
Pt Reyes - Limatour Beach

On the road, Deidre wanted to stop to photograph the vista of the beach and the marsh before it. I love the coastal cypress. The overcast fools my eye and I over-expose the trees -

Seaweed on the beach is shot as if on a bright sunny day, comes out much better.

I like to come to the ocean to empty my mind - sort of a meditation on waves and today - a steady cool breeze and a bright overcast that makes my eyes wter - a brief brightening of the sun is a welcome warming, taunting and teasing. The kids run and play in the numbing surf. At first dodging waves at the surfline, then eventually diving in them, despite the coldness and breeze. They play games of grabbing wet sand and piling it on a sand castle someone else built and left while I sit and empty my mind.

Going for a hike around wetlands near Limantour Beach. Catch views of egrets, herons. Phillip is particularly thrilled by large frogs. We even hear and see tule elk. Ranger said it's rutting season and they're much less shy.

Clouds of tiny little gnats sometimes orbit around us.

At this spot we see coots - mama & babies - also known as mud hens.

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