Tuesday, December 06, 2005

cold & clear

Dec 6, 05
McKinley Park
cold clear sunny morning
w/plein air painters

Very much the city park - traffic passes in regular ebb & flow - palm trees and conifers coexist in Dr Seuss-like synergy.

Geese wander about honking and begging, even to the point of being almost threatening at times. Squirrels scamper closer then farther away, also on the lookout for food.

Can't seem to let go of this tree thing - it's all I can see right now. I get a little concerned about it then wonder why.

A few weeks ago the sycamores were just glorious & golden in the autumn light, now that glory is past and the giants show off their naked beauty instead.

I wander around the perimeter of the park waiting for the light to hit a particular ginko tree just right. In the rose garden, several men help an artist install new garden arches, each with a different floral motif.

More joggers and walkers come out as the morning warms, and I feel comfortable putting my scarf in the car with my first batch of negatives. Several sycamores line the street facing the park, no doubt planted when all here was new, now towering giants, decades old.

The light on the ginko just doesn't seem to want to cooperate with my preconceived notions. Silly tree. Maybe I'll wait more to see what it gives me, maybe I'll be happy with what it's already given.

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