Friday, October 27, 2006

salmon running


Nimbus Fish Hatchery
Right before Nimbus Dam on the American River
warm, sunny, clear, calm

Came looking for a view of the bluffs - I had forgotten it's salmon running time. Not too many fish this year, but still several breaking the water here before the ladder, which happens to be closed at the moment.

the fish jump so quickly, it's hard to get a glimpse of them, much less a decent sketch - their color stands out - very reddish in the dark blue-green water

little pattern of color & light on the water

Fishermen aren't allowed too close to the ladder but a few fishing birds aren't so restrained - altogether, thought, not as much action as there could be here - I've read of warm late waters as a possible cause - maybe as it cools off more, more salmon will come to spawn -

Driving across Hazel Avenue put me upriver to the fish ladder and in the company of plenty of fishermen - and provids some better views of the golden bluffs.

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