Friday, July 13, 2007


July 13, 07

comfortable, 70's right now, clear skies, an occasional breeze

The gurgle of the pond fountain provides a continuous background for the bird chatter - meanwhile a quiet mockingbird eyes me, then helps himself to something in the lawn - dozens of yellow jackets hover low and find insects to feed their larvae in the lawn, too - actually a concern for me right now, being allergic to their sting - this is one of the few times I'm eager to rid the yard of insects, namely the yellow jackets.

I try a couple close up shots with the Mio, then remember it doesn't do those so well!

I can hear someone watering in one of the neighboring backyards, a goldfinch calls out from the pepper tree, no doubt wishing I would leave so he can eat in peace, a scrub jay chatters and a robin calls out somewhere not too far away...

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