Wednesday, May 27, 2009

another new studio

Moved into the Kennedy Gallery & Art Center yesterday - Angela came with me, for which I am very thankful. Of course, Sparky always goes where I go, for which I am also thankful. (Good dog!)

We've got it looking pretty good, but we're waiting for lighting, so it will look much better after that.

Our space is arranged different than the one at the SAC, longer and shallow and completely open to the rest of the building, which we all like better. (All of who have moved to the Kennedy so far came from the SAC together, so it's been a group thing in a lot of ways.)

(click to see this one bigger)

We're very pleased with our big wall, and how our work hangs together in general.

Still working on the pedestal thing, but this will work for the moment. So much of art is process, and Angela & I are both big on process.

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