Monday, September 13, 2010

a summer wedding

I was commissioned to create a wedding gift this past summer, something I had never done before but that seemed like a natural fit in this particular case.

It actually started with an email that came on the one day I was home between family vacation to Florida & working at an art festival at Lake Tahoe. The client wanted to know if I could work from someone else's photo to create a piece commemorating his brother's wedding on the beach. I promptly emailed back, yes, if it was his photo, as I don't want to infringe on copyrights & instructed him to collect flowers, an invitation and whatever else he might think I could incorporate into the final piece.

After the wedding, he sent me photos & I found one I thought would work great, we met & he gave me some flowers, the invitation and some fabric from the tailoring of the bride's dress - perfect. I set off to work, drying flowers in the microwave & sketching the pier near where the couple wed. I was a little nervous trying to capture something so special and personal that I wasn't even witness to, but as the piece came together, I felt I was onto something.

It finally all came together & I was pretty pleased. The client came & picked it up, and then I waited... how would this surprise gift be received? Art is such a personal thing and I trusted my client would know his brother & new sister-in-law's tastes, but still I was nervous. Within a couple days I got an email, with a copy of the new bride's reaction: she loved it! I'm so thrilled to have been a part of such a special occasion.

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