Tuesday, May 18, 2004

upset magpies

May 18, 2004
2:15 p.m.
Antelope Community Park

I've really upset a few magpies. Fledglings are hanging around the playground area and my passing through has so upset adults that they fly overhead squawking, land and continuously squawk some more at me as I stand my ground near them. The fledglings sit, slightly puffed out and have much shorter tail feathers then their parents. I'm fascinated with how much they try to harass me, but I'll move on to ease their stress.

As I move on, a quick flying bird swoops through a small gathering of dragonflies. I catch a glimpse of a split tail, so I'm guessing it's some sort or swallow. The ground is waist high in dry grass and purple vetch in bloom - the grass rustles in an occasional breeze.

I continue around my circuit of the park and as I near the tree I've come to call Woodpecker Oak, sure enough, I hear a "tap-tap-tap" and find a red headed woodpecker camouflaged against the bark of the tree.

Parting notes: clicking insects in the tall grasses, lots of small swallow type birds flying low over the same grass - more squawking magpies - smaller, dark bird sings an interesting song from the branch of a dead tree, hawk soaring high overhead, fat robin on the ground.

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