Tuesday, January 31, 2006

science camp at sly park

Jan 31, 06

Sly Park - 11 a.m.
at Science Camp with Dee's school group -

Arrived yesterday morning - cold but not snow-cold - began to rain & kept up till late afternoon/evening when a little slushy show fell but not the nice powdery kind. Froze overnight so there was plenty of 'black ice' on the paved road and some good slippery spots around camp. The sky is clear and the sun breaks through occasionally - maybe in full force soon.

Been busy with camp activities, including kitchen duty for breakfast this morning - took a break while my group hit the rock wall in the gym - looking forward to a good hike this afternoon.

Out hiking with Sara
1:30 p.m.

This part of the forest, near the ranger station has been allowed to experience small cleansing fires, clearing away the undergrowth and allowing more wild flowers and other kinds of small plants to flourish.

A little farther down the path, Sara shows us an artesian well, about ten feet across, nearly a perfect circular shape. She easily finds a small frog residing there and shows him to us all, resting in her hand.

We hike five miles in total, up to the lake, full up & spilling over, and back again, the trail often following a cut in the hillside.

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