Saturday, February 18, 2006

signs of life

Feb 14, 2006
10 a.m.
Vic Fazio Wildlife Area

Clear blue sky, warm sun, strong cold wind
much of this was underwater not so long ago and is mostly matted down and grayish with little bits of green beginning to poke through.

A whole flock of red-winged blackbirds flies overhead, letting out warbled little chirps as they pass. Other little songbirds chirp as they hop from branch to branch.

I can hear an occasional kildeer call out over the wind and the steady rush of traffic on the causeway nearby.

On top of the levee, the wind blows hardest, but the levee also provides greater vistas of the area.

Down on the wet side of the levee the mud preserves a record of those who have passed through - this is apparently a favorite haunt for raccoons - along with a few dogs & humans.

Farther along I also find much smaller prints that look like tiny hands as well as a few different kinds of bird prints.

A black phoebe darts around the water catching insects, I startle a meadowlark on the ground who flies to a higher perch and then sings out to proclaim his territory. A large white egret decides I've come too close and flies away, too.

Kildeer fly low and call out - no doubt nesting nearby - mud hens paddle softly & hide in the reeds.

I don't see much life in the water but then notice the remains of a crayfish nearby. Closer inspection reveals at least one little fish in the clear top couple inches of the mostly muddy water and I reason there must be more: raccoons and egrets don't hang out for the atmosphere.

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