Sunday, April 08, 2007

easter sunday

April 8, 07
Easter Sunday afternoon
Uncle Butch & Aunt Linda's property in Shingle Springs
warm, no wind, light clouds

some iris not yet budding by the fence

Plenty of birdsong - chirps and twitters - the howling of dogs from down the hill, a horse snorting, a mosquito buzzes near my ear.

The earth is covered in green grasses and wildflowers no more than 18" tall, some taller and slender, some low and crawling.

One of the cats pounces on something in the dry moss on a rock outcropping. A strange long bug with wings lands on one of my drying photos, seems to get a little stuck, but I'm able to blow it off and it flies away.

The sun fades behind clouds for a few minutes, then breaks out stronger again. Birdsong ebbs and flows in the trees all around.

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