Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Sep 19, 2007
Downtown Sac
11 a.m.
clear skies - cool, light breeze to gusty - high only predicted for 70* today

Happened upon City Hall, not like I knew where it was before, now I know it's at 915 I Street.

I wander across the street to the Wednesday market at Chavez Park - smells of barbeque and other foods - plenty of people. Sun begins to feel warmer -

a peek of city hall's clock tower

I walk a couple blocks over to 11th & K - Cathedral Square according to the light rail signs - to get the view of the cathedral I really want, I have to come into the seating area of the Ambrosia Cafe - not many are there right now to disturb -

Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament

I wander around some more, find a long line of people to get into the Crest theater, not sure what is going on there, but this near to the Capital, there is almost always something political brewing.

The sun plays hide and seek behind the clouds & gusts of wind come to let us all know fall is coming - even though we could hit 90 again next week -

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