Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sept 11, 2007

Sept 11, 2007
almost 10:30 a.m.
Levee on the Sacramento River
near Garcia Bend
warm, sunny, hazy from smoke from Moonlight Fire in Plumas County

Fish jumps in the river, birds cheep and chatter in trees nearby.

Sitting on rocks in a clear part of the levee, I've got a Kondos-like view of the levee on the opposite side.

Away from the water's edge, everything is dust dry, a fine powder coating sits on top of the rock hard earth of footpaths. The "cotton" from the cottonwood trees combine with dry leaves to find purchase in straw colored dried grasses.

A bright chartreuse bush leans out over the river, its roots fed by the water in contrast to dry brown bushes and grasses around it.

Tree story on the levee - the remains of a ladder and rope swing for adventurous swimmers.

A symphony of bird song plays in the canopy overhead, it's too difficult for me to discern any certain call, but then I see and hear an individual performer just over my head. A black phoebe calls out and displays his wings, signaling something of importance to others of his kind.

Back at the park I see several yellow billed magpies - a good sign. I have noticed a decrease in their numbers, no doubt due to West Nile disease.

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