Friday, August 27, 2010

a daughter's hope

Not very long ago Monique, a young friend (i.e., younger than me,) found out she has an aggressive form of breast cancer - it was a shock for all of us - she has a five-year-old daughter and the thought of a missed life together was frightening. Monique is a fighter and a believer and she has been undergoing chemotherapy, has lost her hair (which we all know will grow back) and the tumor is shrinking, which we are all thankful for. Throughout it all Monique has been an example of a saint, keeping her faith in God and her good humor in full view - she really cracks me up sometimes!

A local women's group called the Women's Wisdom Project is sponsoring their third annual Art Bra Show to promote breast cancer awareness, exhibited this year at the Twentieth Street Gallery, and I knew I had to participate in honor of Monique and the battle she is facing.

I wasn't sure at first how I would incorporate a bra into a piece of my artwork & be able to stay faithful to my style but I figured a bra could be part of the landscape somehow so I just started at it - so far I think it's going pretty well -

My biggest challenge at the moment is the September 1st deadline - this also is the start of a new semester at the college where I teach & we've taken in a rescue dog to foster - not to mention the other deadlines & commitments I have going - oh well, I guess it's true that where there's a will, there's a way -

I'll post more later about why I've called this piece "A Daughter's Hope."


Monique Griffith said...

Wow, I love it! Thanks so much for creating such a beautiful piece in honor of Emily and me. It's gorgeous. Love you!

Judith said...

You're very welcome, dear! And it will be even more gorgeous when it's done... ;)