Tuesday, December 07, 2010

working working

A shot of my studio as I madly produce fifteen new works for Kennedy Gallery this month (there are more on a table outside of this shot, if you're counting.) Watch for the debut of these new works soon...


Anonymous said...

I hadn't noticed wanderingsjournal.blogspot.com before in my searches!
Sometimes I just think that people write and dont really have much to say. Not so here. You definitely have something to say and you say it with style, my man! You sure do have an interesting way of drawing people in, what with your videos and your words. Youve got quite a one-two punch for a blog!

Tanya Bermudez said...

I am so glad I found your blog! I live in Downtown Sacramento and enjoy checking out the Kennedy Art Gallery every now and then. The other day I decided to see if you might have a blog, because I enjoy your mixed media pieces so much. Thank you for sharing your faith, insecurities and processes - they are all so inspiring especially for a young, learning artist as myself. I look forward to more posts from you :)

Judith said...

Thanks Tanya! I'm glad you enjoy it all - and feel free to friend me on Facebook, if you're there, too. ;) Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful web site!