Tuesday, April 05, 2011

outside the box statement

“Where Your Heart Is” marks the beginning of a new series of work I plan to display in the fall of 2011. Through this artwork, I am beginning to explore the concept of home as the complex layering of memories, relationships and place:

the scent of a specific flower

a particular palette of colors

the song of a certain bird

how the light filters through the trees and falls on the ground

the heat of a summer morning

a bond of shared experiences

a tugging in the human heart

Simultaneously, I am delving into the hope of an eternal home, perfect and complete, without any of the pain that overlays all that we now know.

In this piece, we peer through the gritty reality of earth hoping to see the light of heaven, to get a small foretaste of what will be, like the scent of dessert cooking during the evening meal.


Anonymous said...


I have a question for the webmaster/admin here at wanderingsjournal.blogspot.com.

Can I use part of the information from your post above if I provide a link back to your site?


Judith said...

Where are you publishing and what do you want to use?