Friday, September 30, 2005


September 30, 2005
field of sunflowers
summer like heat

We're right by the freeway, so there's lots of traffic noises - semi's roaring by, then relative quiet - a jet takes off overhead to remind us we're right by the airport, too.

An ant bites down hard on my wrist to then remind me that I am indeed sitting on the edge of a farmer's field.

I'm here with my plein air friends - bound and determined to capture these flowers in images, we helped each other get ourselves and equipment over berms and through a muddy irrigation ditch to get ring-side seats - laughing and joking the whole way.

These flowers are so stunning in the flesh - and capturing their essence on black & white film eludes me.

I spend much time wandering the edges of the field, trying to capture the right light, the right angle, or perspective - something to make it feel right.

I envy the color my painter friends are using on their canvases today - usually I am content to wait for that part of my own process - I do finally find some satisfaction in a composition, standing carefully amongst the flowers themselves.

I finally pull out my SX70 with the color film - the manipulations feel more like the paintings of my compatriots.

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