Thursday, April 16, 2009

time to kill

April 16, 09
4:25 p.m.
McKinley Park
warm - slight breeze
blue sky - a few wispy clouds
time to kill

Funny how I like this park but I have a hard time finding a photograph here -
Alot of different species of trees, several kinds of oak - plenty of London Plane, Redwoods, California fan palms - Lombardy Poplars & Ginkos along H Street, a grove of Zelkova by the tennis courts, where I am now. A couple big Tulip trees by the rose garden, several Ashes of a variety I can't name, a couple Liquid Ambars scattered about and a few Camphors near where I sit. They're the most interesting to me right now, with branches that twist and stretch out in all directions.

Lots of last years' leaves are scattered on the ground - brown old leaves on fresh spring grass. Fresh green leaves in light bright hues cover the trees, having just pushed the old ones off.

A squirrel hops up on the little bleachers where I'm perched, hoping I'll hand him goodies, then wanders off when he sees I'm busy writing. Some smaller darker squirrels play nearby - maybe this year's offspring?

I break out the Crown Graphic and go through the process of making an exposure - it's been a while & fells a little awkward - but the results aren't half bad - already I can see a painting breaking out of the frame.

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