Tuesday, February 12, 2008


So the days fly by - but I take little snapshots of time so you can see what I've been doing -

As you can see, it's all a blur for me, at least that's what I looked like Saturday night attending Sacramento's Second Saturday art receptions, where all the galleries in town open their new shows.

Often I can be found in the company of my longtime friend & fellow artist, Joe Finkleman.

But today I was more focused, I've collected myself some real acrylic paints and glazing medium and set out to practice on an old canvas that I had collaged some Polaroid transfers onto some time ago. I had never really liked it, had stopped half-done, and had propped it on a hanger on the studio wall, waiting for something else to do with it. Playing with the paints and stamping on it was fun & I figured out how I want to finish up my forest canvases...

it even looks pretty cool close up

Tomorrow will be even more fun.

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