Friday, February 01, 2008

studio work

So I did manage to get more done the other day but didn't get it into the blog. I managed to do some more coloring, and got my daughter to take photos of me doing so.

Seems I've been needing photos of myself working in the studio, so I figure it's good to have current ones and Deidre likes using my new digital camera that I got for Christmas.

You'll notice that I seem to hold my hands oddly while I'm intently working...

And the fruits of my labor that evening, "Tree Lovers," edition two of ten. I also finished the Garcia Bend piece, maybe I'll get it posted here later.

(If you're curious about what I was doing in my studio last night, you can pop over to my Visions of Heaven blog to see that.)

And then today I've been busy in the studio working on a couple Polaroid transfer projects.

The first project I was working on is a series of florals that I'm calling the Flower Garden. I've got six initial images for that series, that I'll publish as pigment prints. I'll post them here when they're dry and colored.

The second project I began is called the Forest, which will be maybe as many as fifty 6x6" canvases each collaged with one of my tree images and whatever mixed media my inspiration leads me to - it's still percolating but I got about twenty tree images in Polaroid transfers today, which is the start. More on that project later...

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