Thursday, July 31, 2008

tree heaven

Capitol Park - studying & self testing for tree id
Perfect place for it - lots of different kinds of trees, lots & lots of them labeled. They give tree tours here, but I'm just taking myself around on my own special wandering journey...

(Click on leaf pages to see bigger.)

Bald Cypress - actually alot like Dawn Redwood

Large leaved linden

Red Oak

Red Oak

Didn't recognize Japanese Pagoda Tree without flowers or beans - later found a few tiny beans -

Swallowtail on Valley Oak

Flowering cherry

Flowering cherry

Found Chinese wingnut trees while moving my car (only parking for two hours!) Three on O Street between 135h & 14th.

Eucalyptus spp.

Dawn Redwood

Colorado Spruce

Mislabeled eucalyptus - two both commonly called silver dollar gum - this actually E. Cinera-

Silver dollar gum E. polyanthemos

River She Oak

River She Oak

Carob tree with bean

Check out the thorns on the Hawthorn!

Fruit on California Buckeye

River Birch

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