Tuesday, May 13, 2008

sac building soft opening

The Sacramento Art Complex is officially open and running with it's "soft" opening Second Saturday reception this past weekend. (That would be the weekend I'm just now recovering from.)

Though the reception didn't officially begin until 6 p.m., there was a trickle of people beginning to come through around 5 p.m., as I was darting out the door to go get a bite to eat, then come back, get changed & freshen up from being at the East Sac Garden Tour Boutique all day. It was nearly 6 o'clock by the time I made it back to my studio and opened it all up.

Wendell had been in the studio all day getting his work up on the walls - which at one point meant knocking mine down on the other side - and had left to shower & change at around 4 o'clock, then he got back right around the time I did. (By the way, no artwork was harmed, so all was well!)

More and more people were coming through by six, and by six-thirty, there was a steady stream of humanity until about nine-thirty, when the crowd started to get thinner. We sometimes had alternating crowds in our spaces, and I managed to think of taking a couple photos during a brief pause in my studio.

The whole building was hopping with art lovers and artists, catching all that they could take in and getting a chance to talk with each other in an intimate setting. There were still people coming through at 10 o'clock, when I finally had to call it quits and shut the studio doors - next time won't be so rough, since I won't be working a weekend show at the same time.

I didn't realize it at the time, but I actually caught another artist friend, Kristen Hoard chatting at the top of this image - it's great how the whole complex is becoming a community of artists - and we've already got a few ideas about inviting the rest of the world into our community for more than just Second Saturdays. I'll be posting more on all that later, I'm sure.

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