Wednesday, May 14, 2008

teaching journaling

Today I was teaching some journaling techniques to another high school class - my white board was my journal sample on the spot. I gave the students the challenge to make observations about one of the trees in the quad where we were so we could identify them when we got back to class. A couple were silver maples, easy enough, but another wasn't in my tree book. I'm guessing it's a landscape tree, maybe my garden books will tell me about it. So I went back to really journal and record the tree myself, for better reference later.

(click on image to enlarge)

(click on image to enlarge)

I got a digital shot of it, too, just for kicks. I'll have to figure this out later in my spare time...

1 comment:

Judith said...

When I was learning more about trees later, I realized the unknown tree was a camphor tree - not sure why I didn't ever note that before, but now I am. ;)