Monday, April 21, 2008

field trip part two

Photos from last week's field trip -

This is looking back at the twenty students Peggy & I took out. Walking through the greenbelt with their journals - most also kept the camera around their neck -

At the river end of the greenbelt we stopped near a playground, drinking fountain, tables and several large black walnut trees. The students were given an observational assignment - after a while one student came back and announced, "I have become one with nature." I was completely tickled - I just love it when teens are relaxed enough to let their inner child out to play.

A huge clump of California native black walnut - pretty much melded into one tree - students counted between six and nine individual trunks. I was busy keeping track of them and trying to stay on schedule, so I'm not really sure what count is most accurate.

On the river side of the levee there was a small footpath that broke off the bike trail and gave more of us a chance to really get into nature. The banks of the levee were too steep here to comfortably allow twenty students any closer to the water - to the disappointment of a least a couple.

(click image to enlarge)
Troy journaling off trail -

Trees growing on the levee - mostly cottonwood and some oak - There's been alot of debate the past couple years about trees growing on levees here in California. The US Corps of Engineers claim trees need to be cut for easy maintainance and levee stability; new studies provide evidence to the contrary.

Heading back to the greenbelt - sunlight and shadow play on foxtails.

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