Thursday, April 17, 2008

walking field trip from JFK

April 17, 08
after lunch
out with Peggy's classes - actually about half of her 5th & 6th periods -
clear blue skies, warm, light breeze
Greenhaven greenbelt - near Bear Flag Elementary School
Relaxed feeling with the kids
An airplane buzzes overhead - a power tool in the distance, a bird flies noisily into a tree.

Farther down the greenbelt a couple big black walnut trees stand guard near a playground

empty half of black walnut found on the ground

(Robert becomes one with nature.)

Took kids up on levee, film & digital shots later -

On the walk back, I get a shot of little daisies in the lawn of the greenbelt.

Back at our lunch spot I show the students the Crown Graphic 4x5 and take them through the shooting process step by step, including figuring out the exposure in my head & zone focusing - then the T55 processing. I didn't figure the exposure perfect but they got the idea.

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